AEFW and red bugs, looking for some help in my specific situation


New member
Over the past few months I have acquired various SPS frags to add to my formerly acro-less tank. They all looked pretty good for awhile, but then my A. valida started fading and another coral near it started going downhill as well. Upon trying to read through some of the immense threads on these two pests, I yanked the two frags out for further study. I took these pics of the A. valida frag:



The latter pic I'm thinking is eggs at the base of the frag. I pulled the other acro frag out and it didn't have the telltale "bite marks" like the AEFW, but it did have red bugs.

So, I have about a half dozen other acro frags in the tank (all less than 2 inches) which could be easily removed if necessary for treatment. Could someone help me slog through all of what I've been reading and guide me towards what the best approach would be for me. I have a 29 gal tank sitting empty that could be set up for treatment if need be. I'd have to get lighting set up for it though. I could pull all the frags and put them in this tank. Am I understanding that if I put them in there, treated with TMPCC and Interceptor, and left them out of the display tank for at least a month, that would dispose of the creatures on both the frags AND my display? Please assist, as I've been trying to plow through all these threads and everything is just starting to blur together now. thanks alot for any assistance.
basically i think you've got it

frag them up, toss any part with eggs on it, use tmpcc; no one is sure a month will be long enough, you might have to go longer. i would just keep inspecting and dipping once a week till you no longer have dead fw/s when you dip. then wait a bit longer and put them back in.

make sure you dip them before you put them in qt, you don't want them making it into qt alive.
Oh, so I'm not going to actually be treating them in QT, for either AEFW's or Red Bugs? Just dips?

......I need to find exactly which dips I need to be doing for both.
Ok, did some more reading last night. Looked at Borneman's webpage regarding his approach to RB's. I pulled the two obviously infested and dead coral frags last night, so I guess whatever critters are left in the tank will be looking for new places to munch. As said, I have a couple spare tanks I can use for treatments and such, just need to narrow down what I should do so that I can order equipment, chemicals, supplies, whatever I need to get going on this. Some questions:

1. If I pull the rest of my acro frags and plan to treat using TMPCC dips, will that also alleviate the RB problem as well?

2. If not, will doing Borneman's method for RB's with Interceptor at the same time as treating with TMPCC dips do too much damage/stress to the coral itself?

3. If I pull all these acro frags out of my tank and leave them out for at least a month, will that length of time without acros alleviate my display of these two creatures without me having to actually "treat" the display with any chemicals?

As always, thanks for any input.
Thanks Mike. I am trying to work on doing something so I don't actually have to do anything to my display at all. According to Borneman's write up, RB's only survive up to 5 days in a tank with no acros in it, so I'm not sure how I'd get them again, barring introduction of an infested coral.