AEFW in a 180g SPS tank


New member
Hey guys i have read the horror stories about AEFW and unfortunetly I have fallen victim. Yes I know I shoud have dipped prior to introducing to my display tank. I tend to learn the hard way!! No I have to deal with the problem. My tank is 180g mixed reef with mostly SPS, a couple hammers and zoos. I have set up a 40b with T5's and a sump. I have done a ton of research and will begin Bayer dipping tomorrow.

Alot of my SPS have attached to the LR within my tank. Is it safe to dip the rock as well, due to the attached frags? I am willing to give the needed 8 weeks to get rid of the AEFW. Need some insight from you guys!!!!
What about using spectrum or sentinel as an in tank treatment? You would have to take out your crabs, and shrimp. It will also kill copepods. From what I've read it won't kill the eggs tho. There a few different threads on reef central and someone named tektite is doing a lot of experimenting at the moment.
What about using spectrum or sentinel as an in tank treatment? You would have to take out your crabs, and shrimp. It will also kill copepods. From what I've read it won't kill the eggs tho. There a few different threads on reef central and someone named tektite is doing a lot of experimenting at the moment.

That's for redbugs. AEFW are a whole other ball game!

It's treatable. There are no in tank treatments available. Unfortunately you have to do the legwork and dip all pieces. Acros and milles only. That includes deep waters like echinata, susharoni, etc. I dipped for 10 minutes, and my echinata I dipped for 5. Just added it last to my dip bucket. I dipped 6 times over 2 months. Ideally, I'd do a seperate QT but I treated mine out of my display. Just make sure you rinse the Bayer off real well. I used about 60mL/ gallon, which is way less than some recommend. Good luck, happy hunting:uzi:
Really interesting...I had no clue what you guys were talking about (Bayer) and looked into it. Who comes up with these Good to know
You can also give Korallen-Zucht Flatworm Stop. on PBMAS Mike Lostinreef had great success with it. From what he said it is not an overnight cure and takes several months for them to starve. Other option is dip dip and dip and set up a QT tank. Makes life a lot easier if you had a separate tank to put them in. I always dip all frags and then put them in a QT tank. Before anything go in either of my display tanks I did it again. have even started weekly dipping frags in my QT tank for 4 or 5 week prior to moving them. Remember dipping won't kill the eggs...
Well I dipped the SPS in Bayer yesterday. Its amazing all the AEFW, starfish and other unknowns that were left at the bottom of the dip buckets. When placed in my quarantine system I did view a bunch of eggs and some of the larger Acro pieces. Yes it was only the first dip but how do I go about removing the eggs?