AEFW / Red bugs If starting over

CSS Reef

New member
I have read the numerous threads regarding treatment for red bugs and AEFW. Also, I acknowledge the fact that there is a need for an "in tank" cure for these pests. Knowing now what kind of damage these pests can achieve, I just wanted some thoughts if SPS keepers were to start over from the begnning and setting up a brand new SPS dominated tank, what would be your QT/dipping preventative procedure?

I have read on some posts of QT for 3-6 months OR dipping in Lugols, Cold Saltwater, levamisole, etc...

Would you be as detailed as first treating your tank at intial setup as your live rock was curing for these pests, especially FW's? Even if you didnt see them anywhere on the liverock?

Once you were ready to add Acros's or any other corals what preventative method would you use to eliminate your risk for exposure to these pests? QT tank, run interceptor and levamisole before putting anythng in your display?

Please be as descriptive as possible.


Place "new" acropora in QT tank
Treat with Interceptor
Water Change in QT tank
Wait 1 week
Treat with Levamisole
Water Change
Wait 1 week
Inspect for Red Bugs/AEFW's
Place in Display


Dip newly acquired specimens in "blank" for "blank" minutes etc...

The reason I am asking is I had SPS dominated tanks for 2-3 years up until the arrival of red bugs and moving into a new home. Ready to setup again but am highly discouraged of the new pest after pest. Part of the fun at least for me was trading frags with fellow reefers and popping them into your tank. It seems those days are long gone. Thanks in advance.