After 6 months, Coralife SuperSkimmer 65 overflowing...

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Ok, ok, a little background. Yes, I read most of that loooooong Coralife thread, but that was a few months ago, and don't really want to spend several hours again. ;) So, here goes:

29 gallon main tank, running for 6 months
40 lbs LR
15ish assorted corals
false perc
6-line wrasse
bicolor psuedochromis (sp?)
lawnmower blennie
most livestock has been in for at least 2 months
15 gallon sump
skimmer sits in my sump, using pump that came with it
pump is 1.5 inches below water line
skimmer return is simply PVC that is about .25" below water line.
Generally feed fish every other day (mysis, sometimes pellets), 'Seavegies' every other day, phyto 2 to 3 times a week.

The skimmer had been pulling a small amount of dark skimmate for 4 to five months, so I was fairly happy with it. In the last two weeks it has started to periodically overflow. Two things have changed with my setup. First, I switched from Kent phytoplankton to DT's about the time this started happening, and use about 1.5 teaspoons every feeding (2 to 3 times a week). Second, I bought a firefish around the time this started happening, but when I got it home I had an emergency I need to leave for, so I could only acclimate for about 20 minutes (no, no QT tank, bash me in another thread if you want to ;) ). Firefish immediately swam into the depths of the LR, never to be seen again. I assume he died (or was killed) back there, and the resulting 'flesh decay' or 'extra food for everyone else in the tank' added to the 'crap' in the water.

So, would either of those two occurances account for the skimmer overflowing, or could there possibly be other reasons for this? Any idea's would be greatly appreciated!
I turn the skimmer off for 30-60 minutes after DT's. The skimmer doesn't overflow immediately upon restart, but by the next morning, or the next evening, the cup is full of light green skimmate, sometimes to the point of overflowing. Am I dosing too much DT's? 1.5 teaspoons 2 to 3 times a week?
I have the same set up that you have... well sorta, no sump, but a 25g with the CSS65. I have occasionally came home from work / woke up to find my skimmer overflowing. I also feed DT (1.5 teaspons 2-3 times per week) The main culprit for my overflow was my water level. Since I don't have a sump... the water would evaporate and the level would go down. I would adjust the skimmer to compensate for the loss. Then I would top off the tank and forget to re-adjust the skimmer. It wouldn't overflow immedietely, but a few hours later I would see water everywhere! Maybe this is what is happening to you?
No, I don't think so. The skimmer sits in a section of the sump where the water level remains constant.
The morning after the cleaning, and still looking good! A couple of days will tell for sure.
For anyone interested, cleaning the air tube seems to have done the trick, 1.5 days later. The skimmer is back to pulling the dark skimmate, just the way it should!