In Memoriam
I still have alot of ricorida, loose polyps, would like to try and sell all at once for 100$, there is atleast 20+ polyps some still on rocks. I still have about 3-4 frags of zoanthids (1 Bright pink and the rest Mean Greens)... I really don't want to have all these ricordia get lost in my tank so if anyone is interested in them please give me a PM. I will let the zoanthid frags go for 10$/each (pink was a 20$ frag), or all 4 for 30$. I also never got a chance to show any of all the tanks, equipment I had in my car (tanks, overflows, wavemakers, etc.) so if you are interested in stopping by to check all that out you are more than welcome. Also have the RED montipora caps, anywhere from $5-$30 a frag, small pieces and big pieces. Let me know if you still have energy to come by tonight, tomorrow is also fine. First come first serve, need them out asap, thanks!
-Mike C.
-Mike C.