After FMAS Frag swap SALE - Loose Ricordia - REDUCED PRICES!


In Memoriam
I still have alot of ricorida, loose polyps, would like to try and sell all at once for 100$, there is atleast 20+ polyps some still on rocks. I still have about 3-4 frags of zoanthids (1 Bright pink and the rest Mean Greens)... I really don't want to have all these ricordia get lost in my tank so if anyone is interested in them please give me a PM. I will let the zoanthid frags go for 10$/each (pink was a 20$ frag), or all 4 for 30$. I also never got a chance to show any of all the tanks, equipment I had in my car (tanks, overflows, wavemakers, etc.) so if you are interested in stopping by to check all that out you are more than welcome. Also have the RED montipora caps, anywhere from $5-$30 a frag, small pieces and big pieces. Let me know if you still have energy to come by tonight, tomorrow is also fine. First come first serve, need them out asap, thanks!

-Mike C.

Would also like to thank everyone who purchased from me and even those who just showed up at the swap. It made the event really nice. I met alot of people that I didn't know and made some new friends, which is always nice. I also did pretty well with the sale and I can't wait for next year.

-Mike C.
Mike, what colors of zoas do you have left? I might take some off your hands if they're not spoken for.
Only ones currently available are Mean Greens. I have three, but one is being held for someone. The other two are still available. I will not be fragging my zoo's again for another couple weeks...
its red, with red polyps, its not orange or orange/brown, its red, lol. Its a small forming cap. probably 2 1/2" by 2" Will try and get a pic for you in a second.
zurc, how red are your monti caps? Something like this or darker? If you have one that's more red, I might like to get a piece of that too....

The piece I had was a show piece, I didn't mean to frag it, was moving around some rock and it fell right on the colony and broke it into a bunch of pieces... aswell as broke my heart, lol...
Here's a pic, no flash, I suck with my camera, still trying to learn how to use it, but heres the best I can do for now:

15$ frag:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7851578#post7851578 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ZURCSREEF
some rock and it fell right on the colony and broke it into a bunch of pieces...

I think I'd cry if that happened to mine. It's my favorite coral in the tank... and my clowns call it home.
Sorry for the pic being so big, I forgot to resize it... I am starting to see the quality of this camera... lol... can see detailed structure of that cap...

Btw, the part that looks dulled out is not it dying, that was a piece of the cap growing under the others... but will soon color up under betterlighting... that pic was taken under 15k XM's and VHO actinics.

-Mike C.
I got the smaller piece of that Red cap and it's beautiful! I would get the bigger one, but one my other cap died overnight after a <10% waterchange for unknown reason, so I am trying again.

If you want it, get it! Can't find anything like that for the same price! Beautiful piece!

Thanks Mike!