After valentine blowout


florida guru
since installing my display refugium( compliments of barrett) i am going to concentrate on beautifying it some, so i am getting rid of some un-needed items at almost give away prices----

20 gallon stand and canopy( painted black)----20.00
kent marine nautilus phosphate reactor( no pump)---15.00
gamma 15 watt uv( no pump--needs new light)---10.00
5 gallon water jugs( red---2 of them)---5.00 for one or 7.50 for both
2.5 gallon qt tank---5.00
gen x 1000 internal pumps( 2 of them)---10.00 each or both for 15.00
aqua clear 4000 return pump( 392gph )----15.00

help me fund my new display refugium---thanks for looking