OK something is really going wrong in my tank. Some of you might remember i had to remove a clown that was starting to bother everything. Well then after that some of you might remember i had to remove a coral banded shrimp becuase it ate my band new purple firefish. well yesterday i bought a new firefish to replace the one that got eaten. Just my luck that this one darted behind the rocks the second he was in and this morning was still hiding. i found it weird because i heard these fish like to stay out front and my last one never hide in the rocks. well what i saw just moments ago has amazed me beyond any of the things that has hapened so far, i really coudn't believe my eyes. I saw the firefish FINALLY come out just a few minutes ago and i was like, ok good, it's out now and everything is ok with it. but then , out of all things, my LAWNMOWER BLENNY started chasing it and bitting it vigurously i mean to the point where i thought he wanted to KILL the firefish. i have never seen my blenny or any other blenny for that matter, be so vicious!!! what is going on with my tank why is everything getting so aggressive. i mean arn't blenny's peaceful fsih?