Aggressive FOWLR Plan


New member
Two of my favorite fish from even before getting into the hobby have been the classic porcupine puffer from the Caribbean and the Aussie's take on the harlequin tusk. The issue with them has always been their hefty bioload and propensity for wolfing down some of my other pets (small fish, mobile inverts etc.). So I think its high time I get the plans rolling for a separate FOWLR system to house these two charismatic critters. That being said, I've never set up or maintained a fish only system, let alone one housing animals with such heavy bioloads, so this is where you guys come in...

I'm thinking a 180g bare bottom tank, with sparse aquascaping and for equipment I'm thinking some simple 12k LEDs, circulation pumps, and a heavy duty skimmer for filtration and thats it. For livestock...

* Porcupine Puffer
* Harlequin Tusk
* Mystery Wrasse
* Maroon Clown
* Blue Damsel Harem (4-6)

... I'm a laid back reefer, and wouldn't want something thats a massive headache to maintain, with big weekly water changes and whatnot. What would the maintenance regime look like for a tank like this?
Thanks! :beer: