Agressive Emerald crab?


New member
I didn't see another place to post such a question, so hopefully this will work.

I have 2 emerald crabs that I bought at the same time about 5-6 months ago. One fo them has grown quite a bit (molted about 3-4 times) and the other one has stayed hte same size.

Has anyone ever seen an agressive emerald crab after they get of a certain size? I saw him try to attack my bi-colored blenny the other day. I've recently had 2 chromis with raw spots on them. When I moved them to quarantine, one of them died and the other is still in QT. All other fish are doing good. I'm wondering if the emerald crab could have got hold of a chromis at night. =\

What do you guys think about an emerald crab grabbing hold of a chromis? Ever see an agressive one?
Emerald crabs can be very aggressive. I have seen them go after fish and other inverts. I had one a while back it 's body was about an inch and a half wide and it wouldn't leave my featherduster or polyps alone. Every morning I would wake up and have to put my tank back together. I finally caught it dragging stuff into the rocks one night. It had no fear when it came time to catch it either. it stood it's ground and snapped at the net.

emerald mythrax crabs can be boistrous when they get larger but more than likely your chromis had picked up a bacterial infection,... you could blame the crabs for causing stress to the chromis which could have onset the bac infection.
stick the crabs in a sump or fuge or take them to your lfs,
I have 2 in my 65 and 1 is a perfect tank inhabitant. It stayed small and just picks at the rocks all day and actually shys away from the fish and other inhabitants when they come near. The other grew like crazy and became a brutal tank inhabitant. At feeding time the Nassarius snails would come out from being buried in the sand and he would snatch them up and dash for the rocks with them. He actually killed one but the rest always managed to flip around and get away. Took me 2 days before I caught him one night. I attached some Nori to a small rock and waited with red lensed flash light and a net. He went after the nori and I netted him in 1 shot. He now resides in the sump where he can do no harm.....