AIO Recommendations


Well-known member
When I first got back into it a couple years ago, I was just running a 10g nano, which of course grew into our current 30g. I'm running RedSea lighting and am generally pretty happy with the tank, but there are some small things that I'd like to improve, such as filtration, maybe different shape of tank, etc.

The biocube 32 is very interesting to me because the dimensions work, the system seems pretty robust and attractive, and the stand would work well where I currently have my existing tank. However the lighting seems very poor.

Can anyone recommend either a lighting mod, if I were to go biocube, or a better all in one solution that isn't a crazy high price comparatively?
BC32, theres a bazillion of them, therefor there is a lot of support on mods like adding a HOB skimmer or lighting retrofits from people who have done it before. I also like that it’s both glass and has curved corners. It’s a great setup. Only struggle is getting good flow for SPS in a cube but that can be overcome.
BC32, theres a bazillion of them, therefor there is a lot of support on mods like adding a HOB skimmer or lighting retrofits from people who have done it before. I also like that it’s both glass and has curved corners. It’s a great setup. Only struggle is getting good flow for SPS in a cube but that can be overcome.

We have an aeration tube in our little reef tank now that creates good flow for my cloves, I imagine I could do that in a BC32.

I agree with you on the BC32 pros. They're also really inexpensive comparatively.

My tank was given to me, in great condition, by a friend with the stand. But I'm growing to not like the stand (not trusting it). I don't like having an open top either. the evaporation is quite fast, which I'm not opposed to, except I don't have an ATO. And my filter actually got cockeyed the other night while I was sleeping on the couch and starting shooting water over the rim on to the floor. thankfully I was there to fix it within like 5 seconds but it sorta freaked me out, cause if that happened while I was at work my floors would be ruined lol.

the AIO, enclosed system really really interests me if I can get the lighting dialed. I'm about to add a RedSea50 to my existing tank (so I'd have 2 of them) and that's what got me thinking... "if I'm already spending XXX, why not look at a tank upgrade at the same time".
I want to bump this old thread just to see what people think about the AIO's in the 30-40g range. I have about 40g now so I know I probably can't go any larger.

I did end up grabbing that PNW AIO 4g for the seahorses and like it.
Hoping next fall/winter to be able to splurge on a new AIO for the DT.

the concern I have is I'm seeing a lot of quality issues with Red Sea specifically... I'd like to buy the "forever" tank. I love curved once piece corners, but structure / strength is a huge priority.

Hoping that if I have 37-40 of display water now, the AIO would have a sizeable fuge below...
I like those Fusion tanks. Purty.

I have this.
Chewy Lifegard tank
Price is good and it's a nice looking tank. It comes with a heater, light, bioballs, and pump. I have some quibbles with it. Of course, the light is worthless for coral. The filter area i s pretty small. I can't get my hand to the bottom because I have a forearm and there weren't many protein skimmers that would fit. The overflow really limits the flow and it doesn't have much free-board. I splash water out of pretty often with my scraper.
I have two innovative marine aquarium and I have to say that I have no complaints, once you have your skimmer and filtration tuned - they're also nice and quiet. A lot of flexibility with lighting options.