Aiptasia wanted.

David MC Lee

Active member
I'm trying to raise some Berghia and could use some extra Aiptasia to feed them if any one has some they would like to get rid of.
David, I've got one large rock in my (dead) mangrove/conch tank that is pretty much covered. A couple smaller rocks with numerous aiptasia, too.

It's a long drive for aiptasia, but you are welcome to them. I'm sure they'll still be here when I host, so you can grab them then if you still want them.

Too bad you werent asking this a few months back when Benny took his tank down. His fuge was a haven of aptasia :p
Yea, Sam has a display tank of aptasia on the top right..LOL, I think he gets a shipment in today, might be worth the drive, he has had some nice looking fish recently.
Hah funny thing is when Ben's aiptasia experiment ended there was enough water in the tub still to keep the rubble moist, I have an 18g tub I use to grow calupra tank and I threw all the rock in it. So we will see what happens, I checked 4 days ago and there was nothing yet but we'll see if it stays like that :)

I'll keep my ear to the ground and if I hear anything I'll speak up
DKKA I can wait until the 25. I will take the rock and give it back at the next meeting. "Clean" I'm starting to get a bunch in my tank which is why I want to breed Berghia. Most of mine are in hard to reach places. Thanks
lol, I could offer you some from one of the school tanks, but they would probably get eaten by the aptasia. The biggest is a little smaller than a softball...