Alarm Tunze 6100


New member

The alarm went off on my 6100 pump so I pulled it out; cleaned and soaked it in fresh water and vinegar. Put it back in and worked fine for about a week and then got the alarm again. I haven't taken it out yet but any ideas what could be causing this alarm if the pump is clean? Thanks Jeff
I am still using these earlier streams and have found that sometimes it takes more then one soak check all parts for ca build up including the centre of the magnet, failing that it may be a problem with the driver. Also a new drive unit can help.
To add to what Graeme said, it is critical to get everything clean I would take a look at the top thread on cleaning and alarms, and if you have the older 6080.600 or 6100.600 drive unit, an upgrade to 6100.700 wouldn't be a bad idea. Often the brakes have worn out and that can cause an alarm. Just for the record, 6060 and 6080 still need 6080.600, 6100.700 is only for 6100 and 6000.