algae control in mushroom tank


New member
I need suggestions for algae control in my mushroom tank. It is a 20 tallon tank with a colony of baby shooms in it. It has been set up for about 5 months. It is starting to get the nice dark red good algae on the glass and rocks and also the green algae. What do you suggest for the algae control? A few nice snails? What kind and how many?? One fish? If so, what kind? I am new to the hobby and need suggestions as I don't want to put the wrong kind of creatures in a 20- gallon tank. Thank you for your help.
I have a 20tall too. Get a HOB filter 30-60 or one with 2 sides for filter media. DO NOT use any of the stuff that comes with the filter, get a 300 micron bag from your LFS and fill bag with Carbon or filter media of choice and stick on one side. On the other side get some macroalgae like chaeto and leave in the second side. Leave top of off filter to let chaeto or macro get light to grow and aid with gas exchange. Good luck. The macroalgae will "eat" excess nutrients so the your nuisance algae cannot and will slowly die. Good luck to you.