Algae control


New member
I am considering setting up a 125 for a porcupine puffer, with all the usual equipment, protein skimmer, sump, fuge, pc lighting, etc.... I'd like include some live rock. But if you can't have inverts, how do you keep algae in check???
only ever done 1 tank that i couldnt have inverts in which was about 3 years ago.

using Ro water, changing water weekly and scrubbing glass with magnet brush monthly kept anything off pretty easy. high bioload will need more attention of course
if you get the porky as a 2-3" specimen and feed well you may have a year to two years before he will outgrow. Sounds like a good home for him until then though....

with something that eats inverts as part of its normal diet (yeah I know...somebody here knows somebody who knew someone who kept inverts with porky's blah...) a porky will most likely eat inverts kept with it.

The safest bet is to do the cleaning yourself.... You are going to have to somewhat anyhow, just how greater or lesser a degree. You could also try a HUGE (bigger = better) big as you can find em lawnmower blenny. If they are together from the get go when porky is small there is less chance of him eating the LMB.

Hope this helps...