Algae Growing over zoas


New member
I am getting green/brownish film algae growing over and between my zoas. It has wiped out a few frags already. What should I do? Thanks in advance.
Increase the flow in the area they are in or move them to more flow. This will help prevent it in the future. For now, dip them in your coral dip of choice and very lightly scrub it off with a tooth brush. Hope that helps, that algae can be a pain.
Yes, more water flow will help some.

Are you sure it's not cyanobacteria?
You can easily siphon them out, if it's cyano.

Problem with algae, and cyano, should be addressed mainly with the water chemistry, besides water flow, proper light, temp, etc.

I wouldn't try to brush algae from zoas.
All my attempt to do that in the past failed.
I still have a colony affected by gently brushing algae off from it (7 months ago).
Well, I guess it depends on the algae and zoa species too, so...

Good luck.

I would use a turkey baster and try to blast the algae off with that. if that doesnt work, H2O2 dip is the way to go.
sometimes its more than it seems. can be like a bacterial issue and thus they die quickly. i usually do a Revive dip when this happens.