Algae on ebay

it looks like a good deal for the amount (4#),
but you also have to not mind potluck & critters.
it can be a good way to seed a fuge with pods
& other things tho' (& maybe aiptasia, maybe not)
you should research seagrasses to see what they'll
need to thrive. the other types might be whatevers
gettable at shipping time so....??
Sea Grasses need bright lighting and deep organic rich substrates. For a 125 I'd suggest MH's as the best. Standard tank strip lighting with NO bulbs will not do the trick. As to weather or not the algaes in the pack will do well, depends a lot on just what kind you get.
ROFLMAO! Guys I bought this pack! lol. I purchased to place some in my 75 gal s/w tank to lower my excessive nitrate levels as well as to set up a hospital tank/possible refugium in the next few months... I'll make sure I keep you updated on the status of the algae, what I get and how it works out! :D
The link is the actual auction I won! lol. It was the double+ order. With shipping and handling and insurance the total came out to be $36.74. Not too bad, but I'll let you guys know if it's crap or not!

I have a very high level of nitrates in my tank and had my crappy protein skimmer running non stop, did water changes and everything to correct the problem, nothing worked to the fullest extent, and ended up losing all of my fish (psychadellic mandarin, bicolored angel, coral angel, neon dottyback, and my turbo snail), about $80 worth. A very expensive lesson. All that remains is a sand sifting snail, which may pose problems with the algae if I plant it. I have a 75 gal tank with a few pieces of live rock.

I'm moving soon so when we get everything re-set up in the new house I will be using the plants to set up a refugium. If you guys have any refugium plans, I would really appreciate any plans or ideas you have. In the mean time, the plants are going into the tank to help clear up the nitrates. I may get one fish, possibly a chromis to help provide some waste and carbon dioxide for the plants.

The weird thing was that all other parameters of my water were perfect, ammonia and nitrates were zilch, ph was about 8.2, salinity 1.023, nitrates were through the roof though... :( Since I did a 40% water change they have dropped significantly for the time being but will probably not get too high again since there's only a snail and a bristle worm that occasionally pokes out of my live rock every once in a while.

I will definitely post on what I get and probably even post some pics to give you guys an idea of what you get when/if you are considering purchasing a lot from him. Thanks!
When you break down a tank and set it up again, you don't need to add any fish or anything to get it to cycle. Just the trauma to your rock will be plenty. As for fuge plans, if you have a basement, go with a Ghettofuge! (TM, R, C)
Oh heck no!

Oh heck no!

Hi guys. I FINALLY got my shipment from the ebay auction! Just to let you know this guy is a fraud. DO NOT BUY ANY PLANTS FROM HIM!!! Here's what happened... he said he'd ship Monday, which he didn't do. I live in the Chicagoland area and it's currently 10 below zero over here. Freezing cold. I was present to receive the package and I receive my package today and the algae is frozen solid. No heat pack, no styrofoam insulation, just double-baggied and packaged with newspaper. He threw in all different types of macroalgae, of which I do not know the names of. Two small pieces of sea grass, two bunches of red macroalgae, a small slimy piece of pink macroalgae, two small pieces of light green macroalgae, 3 pieces of blade algae that was brown, and 5 pieces of crap that look like cigars with nipples on them. All were frozen solid. The "bonus" was about 8 small mussels a clump of seashells with barnacles on them and a large mussel with barnacles on them. The only think that I can forsee staying alive is barnacle clusters as they became active as soon as I rinsed them and placed them in the tank and as far as I know, I'm not sure if they're good for the tank or not....

So my advice to everyone who is even considering it, DO NOT BUY from this guy!
Oh yeah, and on the auction he said it would be about 4# of plants... that's bull because what I got was maybe 1-1/2# of plants. So I'm in the process of getting a refund from this guy... Live and learn I guess. Never again though.
Good luck with the refund.

Knowing what's involved with good shipping, I've always wondered about folk offering such good deals on ebay that don't even make shipping we know.


Sorry to bring this link to your attention. I messaged him before buying and his weird reply method steered me away. I did message 2 other people who had purchased from him and they said it was OK..nothing good nothing bad....but that sucks man....
I ordered from fade2black on here. 12$ shipped....still waiting I will let you know how it goes...everyone else seems happy so no worry's....

The funny thing is that I actually found the ebay auction before I even came to Reef Central. lol.

I sent him an email last night about it and he got really defensive and accused me of "feedback blackmail." Oh my God. I have no idea what this guy's problem is, but at this point, I really think he's going out to the ocean and ripping this crap out of the sandbed and selling it on ebay. That's my honest to God gut feeling on this after seeing what I received. I've thawed the plants and placed them in my tank to see if they will stay alive (don't worry, no fish in the tank <yet>). I'm also asking him to replace the missing 3# of plants. We'll see what happens. I'm tempted to box up the crap and ship it back to him. Really am.