algae on sand only


New member
in my 75 reef tank i have algae in spots of my sand...not all over it...about 25% of it.

all my parameters are good and i feel my fish once every other day and not alot...they eat everything before it hits the bottom. i dose my tank every 4 days with alagefix marine.

is there anything else i can do to control this?
i will have to get my exact parameters in the morning...

its more of the brownish green alage...comes up very easy when i vac for flow, i have 2 koralia 2 and 1 koralia 3....i can angle them down if that helps...i have one on the left side blowing down towards the clam in the middle of the tank and the other 2 are facing up
that tang though not a huge algae eater should be helping, snails, hermitts and flow...also are you using ro/di? Phos reactor?
i dont have a phos reactor, but i have about 20 snails and 8-10 hermit crabs....
i am going to syphon it out and put some more flow towards the bottom and see it helps