Algae problem


New member
Hey guys just need a little help. I been having this copperish brown algae film on my glass latley. I wipe the glass everyday and it comes back the next. I got worse once I set the light even longer. How can I take care of this? It started to get on the rocks. Whats the cause ? I have sps and I dont want it to kill them. Thanks guys
what test kits are you using? phos level is high, more than likely the culprit

do you run GFO?

How long have you had this tank running?

do you have any pics?
what test kits are you using? phos level is high, more than likely the culprit

do you run GFO?

How long have you had this tank running?

do you have any pics?

Phosphates are almost 0? Most I give it is a 0.5 . tank has been running about 5 months I just started running a gfo like 3 days ago. The algae isnt harry. No pic right now
phosphates in the ocean are around 0.07

Anything above 0.1 makes my sps unhappy and I start seeing algae blooms.

What kind of test kits are you using to measure phos and nitrate?

the GFO you started a couple of days ago should bring it down and probably take care of this problem

Here's more info on phosphates in the aquarium
Do you have any snails or other cleaners in the tank?

Do you buy water for water changes or make your own?
IMHO, your tank is still young. Takes a year to go through all the phases. That said, phos is way high. I had these same issues when I started. I just stayed the course, and was meticulous with my care. Over time, the problems just went away and tank went on cruise control. Most important thing is dont panic!
IMHO, your tank is still young. Takes a year to go through all the phases. That said, phos is way high. I had these same issues when I started. I just stayed the course, and was meticulous with my care. Over time, the problems just went away and tank went on cruise control. Most important thing is dont panic!

+1....diatom blooms are common in the 1st year.
phosphates in the ocean are around 0.07

Anything above 0.1 makes my sps unhappy and I start seeing algae blooms.

What kind of test kits are you using to measure phos and nitrate?

the GFO you started a couple of days ago should bring it down and probably take care of this problem

Here's more info on phosphates in the aquarium

Do you have any snails or other cleaners in the tank?

Do you buy water for water changes or make your own?

IMHO, your tank is still young. Takes a year to go through all the phases. That said, phos is way high. I had these same issues when I started. I just stayed the course, and was meticulous with my care. Over time, the problems just went away and tank went on cruise control. Most important thing is dont panic!

Ok im using a api kit. I know I shouldnt go with this but it cant be that off could it? I do a 10g water change a week from the lfs . Tank is 90 gl total with refugium. another thing I notice is my cheato dosnt grow and I have light on it 24/7. I think I need a new skimmer maybe that might be the problem. I think I might have to shorten my light time also. I run my whites for 10 hours but even when I ran them for 6 I still had the problem. Heres a pic
Which fish store. Allfish/Allpets is notorious for QC problems with their water. IMHO, if you are getting ASW at the store, you're best off getting your own RO unit and mixing your own. I had the same problems. A few months after starting to make my own water, a lot of issues went away. It seems like a big investment, but over the long haul, its worth it, and no more lugging buckets to the fish store! That is the only way YOU can be assured that your water is good. After all, what are our aquariums without water?;)
Which fish store. Allfish/Allpets is notorious for QC problems with their water. IMHO, if you are getting ASW at the store, you're best off getting your own RO unit and mixing your own. I had the same problems. A few months after starting to make my own water, a lot of issues went away. It seems like a big investment, but over the long haul, its worth it, and no more lugging buckets to the fish store! That is the only way YOU can be assured that your water is good. After all, what are our aquariums without water?;)

U are correct in everyway !I get my water from diffrent places down in kendall. Time to put the big boy pants on :) thanks for ur help
+1 on phosphates also would try shorten lighting cycle had same problem cause was running lights for to long
Anything measurable on the type of kits you eyeball the color change is too high. They (any brand) are really only ball park measurements...goes for all hobby kits. One really shouldn't expect precise lab quality results from the typical hobby kits ;)