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In the study, we have two groups of tanks set up with live rock, lights, fish, the works. One group is BB, the other DSB, with every other aspect being identical. Periodically, I take samples from the water column and from the sand and run them through an Ion Chromatograph (uses a charged column to separate ions). So far, none of the readings have supported the idea that DSBs have a greater tendency to nutrient buildup. Like I said, the tests are still running, and it is only the first iteration, but I don't yet have reason to doubt the results.<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8322482#post8322482 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Mike O'Brien
What are you doing in the study ? In real life the result's are clear and repeatable. Many many people are running algae free tank's without sand, alot of wich were once DSB tank's with great equipment to begin with.
Again, I'm not debating that it's easy to run a BB without algae. I'm contending that its also easy to run algae-free tanks with DSBs. I'm also contending that there is negligible inherent difference in the nutrient build-up between the two tanks, and the evidence so far follows. Although important to relate concepts, real-life stories about tanks switching to BB and suddenly being algae-free are not useful evidence without experimental support. I'm only saying that it's not just the sand.