Algae scrubbers...Who's running one?


New member
I just came across a post on another forum and was curious if any locals or FMAS members were running one. If so please post your experience.


Not local but I am running one on my 220 that I just setup. I love the growth on the screen. The only thing I don't like is the diatoms still grow in the tank like mad on my new setup.
I am building another one now, but I ran one on my 90g for a few years.

I cleaned the screen weekly, and never had any problems with it. It did keep my pod population amazingly high.
I don't think so. I used a 5 gal home depot bucket, 2 clamp on sockets with reflectors, pvc, and got the screen at one of the crafts stores.

I cut the screen so the top was in the shape of a T and the slit was the size of the narrow part. The top was wider than the slit so it held it in, and made for easy removal. I also looped a length of black visqueen over the pvc and the top 1" of screen to prevent growth from jamming up the slit.

Some people loop saran wrap over the pvc and half of the screen to keep splashing to a minimum.