Algae went sexual!! Help!


New member
So I just came home to a very cloudy tank and a refugium full of white caulerpa algae. I am very confident it went sexual and the cloudiness in the tank is a result of the released spores. I have 300 gallons in my system and can only make so much RO water, what should I do to help solve the problem? Will this kill my SPS?

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Not outright, but you need to clean the water/tank. Skim heavy and wet, run mechanical filtration, whatever you got.

Keep an eye on your ammonia levels. Run some carbon and water changes. Can you buy some water from you LFS.
I've got 2 45 gallon trash cans filling now. Going to do one 30% water change of 90 gal and the I'm running an extra carbon reactor now. We'll see what happens. We'll see how it goes!
So I posted that last reply before I looked at the tank this morning.

To my surprise and relief, the tank was crystal clear after looking like this last night (radions at 80%):


The white caulerpa next to regular algae in the fuge:


So happy that my tank took care of itself. Yay for 300 gallons of water volume and a strong beneficial bacteria colony.

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