Algea Problems

True Percula

New member
I have a 29gallon with Algea problems. The algea keep on comming back on the glass. I have had the tank for almost a year..The algea started to access the tank about 3-4months ago. I will get pics on saturday but looks the same just rearrange liverock and clean alittle algea keeps comming back though. Below are pics of my tank months ago My 29gallon spec is..:
Pair of black perculas
Green striped mushroom coral
Frag of Pink tip hammer coral
6hermit crabs
35+pounds of liverock
20pounds of livesand
2 powerheads
Pengiun 330filter
2x65watts pc lighting retro kit 50/50bulbs..The lighting is turned on 12 hours a day
Water changes is 2-3gallons every saturday.
My question is how can i resolve this algea problem? Can i buy any livestock to clean the algea off of the galss? Should i change my lighting schedule? Any other method except using my mag float or credit card scraping all the algea?


I don't see the powerheads in the tank. You need to get a pretty good flow in the tank.

Make sure you are not over feeding.

Test all your parameters and post them back here.

Test your top off and make up water and make sure you don't have any phosphates coming into the tank.

Some algae on the glass is normal, the hair algae on the rocks is the problem.

Make sure that the rock that has the HA on it is clean, make sure there is not a detritius build up on/in it.

Good luck.
To add to what the other guys said/suggested,how old are your bulbs?If they are on the old side,then consider replacing them as they may have shifted in spectrum & be aiding the algae growth.Definately check your make up/top off water before anything else though.HTH
Also, what do you have for filtration? There's very little rock there, and little sand as well. I'd increase the sand another 2 inches, and add about 20 lbs of live rock.
Add a CPR or other hang on the back skimmer.If you can't get a skimmer increase water changes to 5-10 gallons a week.Maybe consider making your own refugium if you can't get a skimmer. Get some snails like Margaritas and 1 Mexican Turbo.Ro/DI water will help the most for top off.I see your feeding flake food,that's a big no no for the fishes health.Try a good quality pellet food like Spectrum and you should see your fish color up as well.
If you've had this tank set up for a year and are just now noticing this bloom of algae then I would test my phosphates. It seems that this is the magical time that most people first start testing, then ... bam ... PHOSPHATES ... Have them checked, they're pretty to get a grip on, but you need to get to the root cause ... basically as stated above ... feeding ... top off water ... etc.