Alk level


Active member

My alk is currently 7.5 and seems stable at this and I know stability is key rather than chasing numbers but is this a little low, should I be aiming for aroum 8-8.5?

I use Ca RX to maintain all and Ca. In case of malfunction of the RX or something wrong with RX, I maintain alk level around 8.5-9. My SPS looks good with that level.
Stability is key. The level of your tanks "œstable" is mainly dependant on the nutrient levels. Higher levels of N03 and P04= higher Alk levels. Lower nutrients demand lower levels.

My tanks stable is around 7.3dkh. N03 is at 2.5ppm and P04 is 0.045ppm. At these nutrient levels if my alk climbs to 8dkh my corals do not react well.

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As above, stability is key. I have found that in my reef tank regardless of nutrient levels my sps do well when alkalinity is below 7.5 dKH.