alk test kits


Active member
Just wondering what everyone was using for Alk test kits. I was using a Hanna but the piece of crap was giving me a reading of 8.0 - 8.8 so I was dosing and ended up around 14 with it still saying 8.2. So then I bought a Seachem test kit, the thing was confusing and I didn't like it. so for the time being I bought a plain ole API. just wondering what everyone else uses and likes
Hanna checker

Hanna checker

Hey there I have been having issues with my phosphate checker.. chk the battery ...
I use a salifert as well as the Hanna
I've been using API forever. I got a Hanna last year and checked it with a friends. Running tests with thier 6 month old and my new reagents on both testers and the same sample of tank water we got 4 different numbers that varied by .9 dKH from lowest to highest. While arguably it might be more accurate than API I find API much easier to use, cheaper and more than adequite as the dKH scale is more precise than the meq/l scale I see used by scientists studying reefs.