Alkalinity - Do Zoanthids and Paly's Like it Low or High Or does it not matter at all

that Fish Guy

Frag Swap Crusader!
In Regards to Alkalinity do Zoanthids and Paly's Like it Low or High?

Or does it not matter at all?

One of my Aquariums has very Low Alkalinity - 6.7 and some of the Zoanthids are not Opening Up like they used to (Some have gotten Zoa Pox too) (The Paly's are all Doing Great though).

Another one of my Aquariums has High Alkalinity - 9.8 and the Zoanthids are doing much better in that Aquarium (No Zoa Pox either).

So is it safe to say that Zoanthids like High Alkalinity and Not Low Alkalinity.

Or is it all in my Imagination?

Could the Low Alkalinity be why I am getting Zoa Pox all of a Sudden?

Please Share your Experiences and also what Alkalinity you keep your Aquariums at.
Z's and P's are collected all over the world so it would be hard to know which specific Z's and P's are from where and what type of environment were they in etc...

All I know from my own experience is my Z's and P's look like crap or get melting issues from low alk. I've also at one time had melting occur on various frags when I didn't notice my alk had been over 14DKH for weeks.

I just now try to keep mine around 8-10, pH at the required specs and salinity around 1.025-1.026.. if any of those are off for a bit, my Z's and P's will suffer. Just my own experience.
Z's and P's are collected all over the world so it would be hard to know which specific Z's and P's are from where and what type of environment were they in etc...

All I know from my own experience is my Z's and P's look like crap or get melting issues from low alk. I've also at one time had melting occur on various frags when I didn't notice my alk had been over 14DKH for weeks.

I just now try to keep mine around 8-10, pH at the required specs and salinity around 1.025-1.026.. if any of those are off for a bit, my Z's and P's will suffer. Just my own experience.

This may explain why I had some new frags melt when I added them recently. It had been two weeks since my last water change and I'm sure my alk was probably low.