New member
So I have been keeping saltwater tanks for a few years now, my dad has had them for decades. I have surpassed him in knowledge at this point and have started to try my hand at keeping SPS corals. So i started with some other corals in the tank to get things in the right place and understand how to take care of corals. I have a RBTA, 4 head frogspawn, 1 acan, three types of Zoas in a garden, 1 mushroom, and 1 favia that wasnt ever really doing good and then died in the tank. I think I'm doing ok at this point so I decide to add a "Blue Stag" Acropora, and a "Green Slimmer" from a friends tank. Both specimens are in the tank and seem to be doing ok at this point. My ALK was far too low and that caused a slight problem that I have corrected, my lights were also running an incorrect program for SPS so that has been changed. Two weeks into those changes and things are still going well.
Ill list off my tank, and then some questions IM having ...
65 gallon tank 36" wide tank so its deep
40 gallon breeder in the basement as a sump (probably 25 gallons full)
10 gallons of this sump is a ruble rock "refugium" that does not have an Cheto in it yet. I want to use this as a pod factory for a mandarin.
SCA 301 Skimmer pulling good amounts of gunk out of the tank.
Vectra M1 Return Pump
BRS Dual Reactor Running GFO and Carbon
2 Vortech MP10's running on reefcrest at 40% maximum
2 Hydor Korilia's running at the top of the tank to break the surface
2 Radion XR30's hung 8 inches off the water (high as possible in the canopy)
Reefkeeper running on the sump as a monitor and safety system. (PH, Temp, high water alarms, shut off pumps / heaters if needed)
Living Creatures
2 Clownfish
1 Kole Eye Tang
1 Diamond Goby
1 Yellow watchman Goby
2 Firefish
1 Shrimp
Assorted Emerald crabs and snails
Right now I am trying to figure out dosing for the tank. I know that I need to keep my ALK around 9 and my calcium around 420 and mag around 1300. Right now my ALK is at 7dkh, Calcium is at 420, mag is 1250. I keep having to add Seachem Reef Fusion 2 Part every night just to maintain these numbers and am having trouble raising the ALK up to where it needs to be. I want to know how much of this i can add beyond the 5 mil of each bottle I add every night. I dont want to raise it too fast.
I also want to know how to figure out how much to dose using a doser. At this point I want to continue using two part for this process, and will probably start using the BRS two part kit when the Reef Fusion bottles run out.
I have a film on the top of the water in the DT, I cannot for the life of me ever get rid of it! I have two power heads and the return lines pointing at the surface and it is still there. HELP.
What do I need to feed these corals. I keep getting conflicting information. I have been doing rotifers once a week but Im not sure if thats even needed and if the lights will be enough.
Someone told me to start using Iodine to help with the corals too. I have it, and haven't added anything yet just because I wanted to see what the SPS guys think about it.
Im going to be getting more frags of SPS soon, how closely can i add them to the tank initially. Whats a good grow between space for them?
I dont have filter socks, and I dont really want filter socks but I have a bunch of detritus in the bottom of my sump. Is there another way to get rid of that stuff without using filter socks? Or should I really start using filter socks?
I will never stop running carbon in my tank, but have heard that GFO doesnt need to be used all the time. I had algae issues in the past and adding the GFO helped to bring those down, how would I know that I no longer need to use GFO, or should i add something extra to the tank to make up for the 0 PO4 in the tank now?
Do I need to start doing essential elements now or should I wait till I have more corals? What elements are the most beneficial to add for the SPS.
Any other thoughts or concerns?
Ill list off my tank, and then some questions IM having ...
65 gallon tank 36" wide tank so its deep
40 gallon breeder in the basement as a sump (probably 25 gallons full)
10 gallons of this sump is a ruble rock "refugium" that does not have an Cheto in it yet. I want to use this as a pod factory for a mandarin.
SCA 301 Skimmer pulling good amounts of gunk out of the tank.
Vectra M1 Return Pump
BRS Dual Reactor Running GFO and Carbon
2 Vortech MP10's running on reefcrest at 40% maximum
2 Hydor Korilia's running at the top of the tank to break the surface
2 Radion XR30's hung 8 inches off the water (high as possible in the canopy)
Reefkeeper running on the sump as a monitor and safety system. (PH, Temp, high water alarms, shut off pumps / heaters if needed)
Living Creatures
2 Clownfish
1 Kole Eye Tang
1 Diamond Goby
1 Yellow watchman Goby
2 Firefish
1 Shrimp
Assorted Emerald crabs and snails
Right now I am trying to figure out dosing for the tank. I know that I need to keep my ALK around 9 and my calcium around 420 and mag around 1300. Right now my ALK is at 7dkh, Calcium is at 420, mag is 1250. I keep having to add Seachem Reef Fusion 2 Part every night just to maintain these numbers and am having trouble raising the ALK up to where it needs to be. I want to know how much of this i can add beyond the 5 mil of each bottle I add every night. I dont want to raise it too fast.
I also want to know how to figure out how much to dose using a doser. At this point I want to continue using two part for this process, and will probably start using the BRS two part kit when the Reef Fusion bottles run out.
I have a film on the top of the water in the DT, I cannot for the life of me ever get rid of it! I have two power heads and the return lines pointing at the surface and it is still there. HELP.
What do I need to feed these corals. I keep getting conflicting information. I have been doing rotifers once a week but Im not sure if thats even needed and if the lights will be enough.
Someone told me to start using Iodine to help with the corals too. I have it, and haven't added anything yet just because I wanted to see what the SPS guys think about it.
Im going to be getting more frags of SPS soon, how closely can i add them to the tank initially. Whats a good grow between space for them?
I dont have filter socks, and I dont really want filter socks but I have a bunch of detritus in the bottom of my sump. Is there another way to get rid of that stuff without using filter socks? Or should I really start using filter socks?
I will never stop running carbon in my tank, but have heard that GFO doesnt need to be used all the time. I had algae issues in the past and adding the GFO helped to bring those down, how would I know that I no longer need to use GFO, or should i add something extra to the tank to make up for the 0 PO4 in the tank now?
Do I need to start doing essential elements now or should I wait till I have more corals? What elements are the most beneficial to add for the SPS.
Any other thoughts or concerns?