All Live Stock Forsale!

PM sent. I might be able to stop by tonight around 7-8. Please PM me if you are available and with your address.

And for the list:

1.)Giant Anthelia XL
2.)Giant Anthelia L
3.)Giant Anthelia L
4.)Radioactive Dragon Eyes zoo colony
5.)Radioactive Gold zoo colony
6.)Palyas with button polyp and cauliflower rock
7.)Green zoo rock
8.)Green zoo's with orange zoo's rock
9.)Mixed zoo rock with safecrackers, xbox, and tub blue wannabes
10.)Red tonga mushroom rock (10+ polyps)
11.)Blue tonga mushroom rock (15+ polyps)
12.)Monticap colony (was green with purple rim but since tank break down started, has closed polyps and is a tan (always was a bit tan, but had dark green polyps come out)
13.)Green and purple gonipora
14.)Red /w purple outline blastos (8 polyps, 5 full size, 3-5 babies)
15.)Green/Blue/Yellow Ricordia morph rock over 20 large polyps
16.)Nice blue with purple rim ricordia rock, 8-9 polyps, Large
17.)Large Toadstool
18.)Orange zoo rock
19.)Very orange zoo rock
20.)Blue/Purple Clam
21.)Green Star Polyp colony
22.)PHE zoos with couple mushroom rock
23.)Single red mushroom rock
24.)Colt leather

All prices have been dropped by what I was orginally looking to sell them for, if you buy multiple corals I will definately give you a good deal, although this is already a good deal. Let me know!

And for individual pricing:

1.)Giant Anthelia XL 50$
2.)Giant Anthelia L 20$
3.)Giant Anthelia L 20$
4.)Radioactive Dragon Eyes zoo colony 45$
5.)Radioactive Gold zoo colony 30$
6.)Palyas with button polyp and cauliflower rock $20
7.)Green zoo rock $20
8.)Green zoo's with orange zoo's rock $20
9.)Mixed zoo rock with safecrackers, xbox, and tub blue wannabes $50
10.)Red tonga mushroom rock (10+ polyps) $30
11.)Blue tonga mushroom rock (15+ polyps) $40
12.)Monticap colony (was green with purple rim but since tank break down started, has closed polyps and is a tan (always was a bit tan, but had dark green polyps come out) Still very much alive, $50
13.)Green and purple gonipora $30
14.)Red /w purple outline blastos (8 polyps, 5 full size, 3-5 babies) $45
15.)Green/Blue/Yellow Ricordia morph rock over 20 large polyps $100
16.)Nice blue with purple rim ricordia rock, 8-9 polyps, Large $50
17.)Large Toadstool $40
18.)Orange zoo rock $30
19.)Very orange zoo rock $40
20.)Blue/Purple Clam $40
21.)Green Star Polyp colony $25
22.)PHE zoos with couple mushroom rock $20
23.)Single red mushroom rock $10
24.)Colt leather $30
25.)Frogspawn $35
14.)Red /w purple outline blastos (8 polyps, 5 full size, 3-5 babies) $45
15.)Green/Blue/Yellow Ricordia morph rock over 20 large polyps $100
20.)Blue/Purple Clam $40

These corals are pending sale to bawla47, everything else still forsale.
2.)Giant Anthelia L 20$
21.)Green Star Polyp colony $25

Sold to Bret61081, thanks Bret, nice meeting you!
-Mike C. aka ZURCSREEF
Crocea blue/purple Clam
Blue tonga mushrooms
Red/purple trim Blastos
Toadstool leather

These corals have been sold to bawla47, thanks and nice meeting you and your friends.

-mike c aka zurcsreef
All locals please take advantage of this deal as by sunday night I will start selling off to out-of-state buyers. I will be available all day today and only in the morning-noon tomorrow. Let me know!

-Mike C. aka ZURCSREEF
Whats left:

1.)Giant Anthelia XL 50$
2.)Giant Anthelia L 20$
4.)Radioactive Dragon Eyes zoo colony 45$
5.)Radioactive Gold zoo colony 30$
6.)Palyas with button polyp and cauliflower rock $20
7.)Green zoo rock $20
8.)Green zoo's with orange zoo's rock $20
9.)Mixed zoo rock with safecrackers, xbox, and tub blue wannabes $50
10.)Red tonga mushroom rock (10+ polyps) $30
12.)Monticap colony (was green with purple rim but since tank break down started, has closed polyps and is a tan (always was a bit tan, but had dark green polyps come out) Still very much alive, $50
13.)Green and purple gonipora $30
15.)Green/Blue/Yellow Ricordia morph rock over 20 large polyps $100
16.)Nice blue with purple rim ricordia rock, 8-9 polyps, Large $50
18.)Orange zoo rock $30
19.)Very orange zoo rock $40
22.)PHE zoos with couple mushroom rock $20
23.)Single red mushroom rock $10
24.)Colt leather $30
25.)Frogspawn $35

Locals come on down and I will give you some good deals when you buy multiple corals...
ok, this is my last best offer... 900$ takes the rest of my coral + 150-200lbs of live rock... very nice pieces of coral and beautiful pieces of live rock. This price is absolutely firm...

-Mike C. aka ZURCSREEF
All corals are now available to be shipped:

1.)Giant Anthelia XL 50$
2.)Giant Anthelia L 20$
4.)Radioactive Dragon Eyes zoo colony 45$
6.)Palyas with button polyp and cauliflower rock $20
7.)Green zoo rock $20
8.)Green zoo's with orange zoo's rock $20
10.)Red tonga mushroom rock (10+ polyps) $30
12.)Monticap colony (was green with purple rim but since tank break down started, has closed polyps and is a tan (always was a bit tan, but had dark green polyps come out) Still very much alive, $50
13.)Green and purple gonipora $30
15.)Green/Blue/Yellow Ricordia morph rock over 20 large polyps $100
18.)Orange zoo rock $30
19.)Very orange zoo rock $40
22.)PHE zoos with couple mushroom rock $20
23.)Single red mushroom rock $10
24.)Colt leather $30
25.)Frogspawn $35

I know deckard was first in line with his order, but please throw me offers and you will be placed in line. I will like to ship everything by tomorrow.

-Mike C. aka ZURCSREEF
I am getting a camera tonight when I go to dinner for mothers day from my brother in law, but you can see them on
oh man i wish i had that kind of cash caus ehtose r freaking saweet. good luck selling the stuff, if you ever get up my way and have soems tuff left il lgladly let you stop by and see if you want anything i have
Not really looking for anything at the moment besides a 180/210/240 gallon tank :) They are definately beautiful zoo's (the rock is covered in them).

-Mike C. aka ZURCSREEF
The following corals are pending sale to SDeckard:

4.)Radioactive Dragon Eyes zoo colony 45$
10.)Red tonga mushroom rock (10+ polyps) $30
15.)Green/Blue/Yellow Ricordia morph rock over 20 large polyps $100
19.)Very orange zoo rock $40
22.)PHE zoos with couple mushroom rock $20
23.)Single red mushroom rock $10

The following corals are whats still available:

1.)Giant Anthelia XL 50$
2.)Giant Anthelia L 20$
6.)Palyas with button polyp and cauliflower rock $20
7.)Green zoo rock $20
8.)Green zoo's with orange zoo's rock $20
12.)Monticap colony (was green with purple rim but since tank break down started, has closed polyps and is a tan (always was a bit tan, but had dark green polyps come out) Still very much alive, $50
13.)Green and purple gonipora $30
18.)Orange zoo rock $30
24.)Colt leather $30
25.)Frogspawn $35
The following corals are SOLD to SDeckard:

4.)Radioactive Dragon Eyes zoo colony 45$
6.)Palyas with button polyp and cauliflower rock $20
10.)Red tonga mushroom rock (10+ polyps) $30
15.)Green/Blue/Yellow Ricordia morph rock over 20 large polyps $100
19.)Very orange zoo rock $40
22.)PHE zoos with couple mushroom rock $20
23.)Single red mushroom rock $10

The following corals are whats left:

1.)Giant Anthelia XL 50$
2.)Giant Anthelia L 20$
7.)Green zoo rock $20
8.)Green zoo's with orange zoo's rock $20
12.)Monticap colony (was green with purple rim but since tank break down started, has closed polyps and is a tan (always was a bit tan, but had dark green polyps come out) Still very much alive, $50
13.)Green and purple gonipora $30
18.)Orange zoo rock $30
24.)Colt leather $30
25.)Frogspawn $35