All my stuff... up for trade


Can I borrow your towel
Hi Gang, I'm getting out, and this time all the way out.

Most of what I have is listed below, to be honest there are boxes of stuff from years and years of collecting stuff that I haven't even looked in.

Since everyone sells stuff, I thought I would do a little trading this time around. I'll list what I have here and what I want/need to trade for below it.

I have available for trade:

AquaControllerII with aquanotes, PH and temp probe with the PC interface. (Probably need to replace the ph probe soon)
Bunch of X10 (6?) modules too. I even have an old laptop that *could* go with it to power the thing and provide a web interface if the deal is right.

aquac ev120 skimmer with mag 5
(2)2 little fishies reactors

drilled 20L acrylic with blue background with mag 5 return (clockworks old tank)
20 long being used for a sump

JBJ 2x55 PC fixture for 20L
Some random PC ballasts and bulbs

75GPD 4 stage ro/di

all sorts of test kits, additives, phosban,
filter bags/bracket
1/2 bucket of IO
Bunch of powerheads
Lots of other random hardware, you can have anything I've got.


3 echno, one being that large pink one
some kind of purple acan looking thing (but not a super fancy 300 dollar lord)
A good 6-7 inch rock of amazing blue zoa's
two or three other sets of blues, one fairly large
a giant rock of reds
some really nice pinks, and a bunch of assorted other zoa's scattered about on aprox 20-30 lbs of live rock, which does have a fair amount (a lot you might even say) of algae on it.

I've got 4 heads of a really nice torch*
2 blasto frags *

(all three of these are doing so/so, they don't like this tank much)

Now, for the trade part..... I will trade pieces or the whole lot depending on what you have to offer.

Services I need (in order of desperation):
Carpet and Duct Work Cleaning
Sprinkler Repair
House Cleaning
(anyone see a theme here?)
Handyman Services (need a door and window repaired)

Stuff I want:
New(ish) Macintosh Computer
High(ish) end PC
Flat Panel Monitor(s)
Random PC/tech things that are interesting.

(Off topic: if you need a website/hosting I can trade that for any of the stuff above too)

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Here are some (very) bad pics I snapped of a few random things last night:









Last two things (Sorry!)

Please be local to Phoenix and able to pick up at my house near AquaTouch.

I need to give preference to trades for the services, because those are the things I need the most (in the order they are listed) so I would like to wait a few days before I commit to anything.

OK, I really hope I've covered everything.
Does the 20L sump have baffles installed or is it still wide open? I'm looking for a quarantine tank.

I have none of the skills you are looking for, but when you're ready to take cash for the 20L PM me. I'm close to Aquatouch.

OK the trading is not going super well.
I have few decent offers for trades on the dry goods, but not too much happening with the livestock, but a lot of people seem to want some of it.

So here's the deal, I can't move the drygoods until the livestock is gone. The first 250 cash at my house gets it all. Buy it all for you, split it with friends whatever you want to do, but this is first come first served all or nothing deal.
I need to break this tank down ASAP.

I have a rock of blue's in there that would easily sell for 100 bucks alone, not to mention the echno's... and several other nice zoa colonies. It's a fair, even excellent price for the livestock that you're getting.

sale pending of livestock, I'll set up another thread about the dry goods once I get the tank empty.

With great apologies to RJILL, I am pleased that I have been able to work out a deal for all of my coral AND all of my dry goods with one of the founding members of PROP, and a good friend of mine.

I'm certain that this person will post a number of the dry goods for sale in the near future (A ton of you were interested in the ACII and some of the other things, so keep your eyes open!)

I'm super glad that the corals will be going to a PROP farmer and it is my hope that many of these pieces will be spread around to you all for years to come.

And that my friends brings to a close several years in this great hobby.

In the immortal words of Douglas Adams:
"So Long, and thanks for all the fish"

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