All tank inhabitants for sale


New member
As a senior in college I have very little time to take care of my tank and I really want to sell everything off before stuff starts dying. I dont have any specific prices for anything, I'll just list what I have and you can make me an offer. I'm not looking to sell stuff for a lot of money, most of my corals were frags when I got them and I'd just like to get close to making that money back. I also have some crappy pictures, everything you see in the tank is for sale (tank and hardware not included). Sale/
I have :

2 forgspawns
lots of zoanthids
some orange and some green ricordia
assorted mushrooms
1 cabbage leather
a couple finger leathers
some encrusting gorgonian
1 meandria meandrinites (it's directly to the right of the frogspawn on the sandbed)
Lots of live rock
Lots of chaeto (free)
1 percula clown
1 six-line wrasse (fish will have to wait until most of live rock is gone to sell)

Pick up only - I live downtown Indy near the white river and IUPUI. Email me if interested and we can set up a time for you to come and check out what I have or buy something.
frogspawns - $15
zoanthids $5-$10
orange and green ricordia - $4 a polyp
assorted mushrooms - $1 a polyp
cabbage leather - $10
finger leathers - $10
encrusting gorgonian - $5 - $15
meandria meandrinites - $20
live rock - ~$2 a pound chaeto (free)
percula clown - $5
six-line wrasse - $5
what type of LR do you have? i will be in indianapolis on sunday and im looking to buy between 20-30 lbs.
Both frogspawns are now sold, as well as the clown.

I'm not really sure what kind of live rock I have. I've had most of it for 3 years or so, some started as base rock, and I bought the other stuff several different places at different times, so it's really a potpourri of different types.
I'll go ahead and update what I have left:

assorted zoanthids
assorted mushrooms
kenya trees and finger leathers
encrusting gorgonian
Live rock
Six line wrasse

Prices are still the same as listed above
I am still wanting the six line when your ready to get rid of it!

PS all the coral is doing great in my tank. Thanks for the great deals.

assorted zoanthids - $5
assorted mushrooms $5
encrusting gorgonian $5
Live rock $2 a pound
small kenya tree FREE
FREE Chaeto
I will now accept $20 for all the corals (I have multiples of the types of coral I listed) and $40 for all the live rock, there are about 50lb. I'd really like to just get rid of everything. I'll take offers if the price still isnt right.
All corals and live rock are sold. I still have a substantial amount of chaeto if anyone wants some for free. If anyone is interested in live sand I have about 1.5" in my 40 breeder (36"x18" footprint). I'm not really sure how many pounds I have, but the sand is mostly fiji pink with some coarser sand mixed in. If anyone is interested I'll let it go cheap.