Alternative ways of ridding Aiptasia

you can try a concentrated dose of kalk.... 1 teaspoon pickling lime to 2 tablespoons RO good also....i like the calcium thing though...i didnt know that worked!!! ill have to give it a try....
I used to give myself allergy shots, you get the syringe from any pharmacy with no prescription. I find injecting with a needle works better. The last time I bought some a pack of 25 needles was about $10. You could buy a single syringe. I also use Berghia and peppermint shrimp, and still have a problem.
PS: the syringe works better with rid aptasia, joes juice is to thick.
I put some peppermint shrimp in my fuge with a macro-algae covered rock that had aiptasia hithikers on it. All the apatasia were gone in under 5 minutes, I watch them shred and eat the little pests like tiny machines, amazing.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6919261#post6919261 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jent46bow
I had one that just would not die. SO I removed the rock, and took a lighter to him for about a min or two. He looked pretty toasted. But then a week later he started showing signs of life again. At which point I removed the rock, and used a blow torch to him for 5min. That got him.

This gave me quite a good laugh, thanks. ;) I bet it was extremely satisfying as well. :bum:
peppermint shrimp rock

cleared all mine up.

Make sure you get the real ones...some stores sell some that arent really peppermint shrimp.