am I a crop-a-holic?


In Memoriam
do you like how I cropped these photos?

suggestions/comments welcome. used a nikon 8700 in macro mode.






I'm a detail junkie. What would you suggest? I guess I'd rather see detail in one coral than a lot going on with a fully stocked tank shot. Maybe it's just preference. :)


maybe better?


^ I feel those are less claustrophobic.. agree? I'd like to strike a nice balance that's pleasing to more than just my eye. :)
That is the beauty of the newer digital cameras. The larger the pic they can take the better you can "frame"/crop you shot. These look good though.
I'd say the reason they look claustrophobic is that the subject tends to take up the WHOLE screen. I read something about the rule of 1/3s which seems to work fairly decently. Just keep subjects in the 1/3 -2/3 of the shot and allow something else to be in the remainder to prevent that claustrophobic feel.
Okay, lemme weigh in.

Rule of thirds does not apply when shooting patterns. Patterns can fill the entire shot. So, 1, 2, 4, 6 and 7 are fine. I would even say very good. The addition of a little edge detail is a treat.

3 does follow the rule of thirds and keeping the background more detailed rather than going with a creamy bokey gives the shot dimension. It looks like a serious drop off past the ridges of the coral. Also a good shot.

And 5, the in focus polyps are in the lower 1/3 of the photo. Also is within the Golden Ratio.

Overall, technique wise, very solid.

Good Job.
