Am I Alone!

corals b 4 bills

New member
My wife thinks its strange that I stay up untill all hours reading reef central forums. That I have several fish mags in the bathroom cabinet (good read), I find any excuse to go to the LFS because If I don't go the tank will suffer in someway (she knows lots of time, money, effort, ect) will be wasted. I buy new skimmer and act as if It's not driving me crazy not being able to install it when I get it home.Stareing into a dark tank at 1 in the morning hopeing to find somesort of evil coral killing villian before he completes his plans to take over the tank! Anybody have this problem? .....Or just me?
haha, I think we all are like that here at at home, I'm pretty much all alone with the exception of my younger neighbor that I transformed into salt.
I think it is a pre-requisite to getting serious about the hobby......

My mission is to catch whatever is annoying my zoo colonies (No Nudis to my knowledge)
I suffer from the same psychosis. Reeferholism.
Im really not sure what my wife thinks....I think she took our daughter and left a few weeks ago or something...not quite sure.
But I do know that one of my emerald crabs molted last night around 9:07pm.

:) j/k
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I feel your pain Brother of the reef,...I have a baby due in may which I still havent found the time to look through the books to pick out the perfect name yet, somehow, I realized through careful planning and much research, that I needed to buy that T,Crocea last night and spend agonizing aclimation time and minor re-aranging time to put him in the perfect spot....NO you are not alone
definitely not alone- to say it's an obsession is an understatement. Our local reef clubs- feels like going to AA, except it's to FEED the habit, not supress it. :)
Welcome to the club, my friend. Though I don't know if there being many of us lets any of it qualify as "normality". :)
My hubby was like you corals b 4 bills, since his tank was in the bedroom and I hardly ever saw him unless I walked in there. (Note my RC name) lol So now I frequent the forums, reading articles, etc. so that I can try to get a grasp on how his brain functions .. hee hee hee ( I know! I'll never succeed!) ... and why he's always wanting to go to the LFS. You are definitely not alone!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6608398#post6608398 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ReefneckWidow
My hubby was like you corals b 4 bills, since his tank was in the bedroom and I hardly ever saw him unless I walked in there. (Note my RC name) lol So now I frequent the forums, reading articles, etc. so that I can try to get a grasp on how his brain functions .. hee hee hee ( I know! I'll never succeed!) ... and why he's always wanting to go to the LFS. You are definitely not alone!

Yea, And she failed to mention that she now has her own 29G Reef that she stares into all the time not counting the time she spends in the middle of the night peering into both Reef Tanks with a flashlight and getting excited when she sees something new. :D
mine is a reefer also! Spending 600bucks on a wavebox means nothing to her!

I also stay up late reading RC..... Im going to start selling RC caffine pills to stay up later :lol: -to pay for this hobby.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6608854#post6608854 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Sindjin
Oh by the way...

I bought my wife the Reef Central G-String!
She wont let me post a pic though.

I'm going to order one for my wife.....She said I COULD post pics!

OUCH....OUCH....Ok, Ok....She didn't really say that! :rolleye1: