Amazing Tank!

speckled trout

New member
I was in Houston this last weekend to pick up some frags from a fellow reefer. I'd never seen his tank but was completely blown away by it.

My pics don't begin to do it justice. Also, I didn't reset the date when I loaded new batteries into my camera, so the date is incorrect.

I was picking up some of his montis but couldn't help to notice the rest of his awesome coral. It looked very natural and has inspired me to purchase much better lights so that I can begin to keep the more demanding acroporas.
Wow that IS nice... I hate people that have a nicer reef than mine!!!
Holly crap that clam is HUGE!

I'm sorry the pics are so bad. I was drooling so much that I didn't take my time. I wish that I'd have taken time to take more pics because there were several of species I'd never seen before.

The tank is very wide creating an awesome view. I
I could have gotten the acros, I just wouldn't be able to meet their light requirements. I really need stronger lights.

I just got too many hobbies. Unfortunately, none of them are real cheap. I just dropped a thousand on some diving equipment a couple of weeks ago. That could've bought some real nice lights! Decisions, decisions!
He has some real nice fish, as well. A fairly large green wrasse keeps some of his more interesting fish at bay, though. He has some fairies and other very colorful wrasses that aren't allowed to leave a small space below the rockwork because of this bully.

He also has a purple tang and yellow tang that tolerate each other, talk about lucky! Now, if he could just get rid of that green wrasse.


"I just got too many hobbies. Unfortunately, none of them are real cheap. I just dropped a thousand on some diving equipment a couple of weeks ago. That could've bought some real nice lights! Decisions, decisions!"

Your not alone. I feel reefkeeping is the most expensive hobby so far.