Amazon's Bulk Soda Ash

Only way to find out, give it a go. You can always use baking soda and bake it for alkalinity as well.
Interesting...would like to know how it goes. BTW- sold by "Dafna Automotive and Home Specialties". what else is this stuff used for?
Dadummy and Daimyo68, you have to bake it correct? Also do you get that murky residue at the bottom of the container?
Use straight Baking soda if your pH is normal to high (it has a slight lowering effect)
Use Baked Baking Soda if your pH is normal to low (It will raise pH, and can raise it significantly) <-- This is what I use.

The measurements for each/per gallon is slightly different.

I mix mine 5 gallons at a time (calcium also), in a bucket with a powerhead overnight. Never have any cloudiness. If your mixing it in a 1gal container, you can heat the RO/DI water in the jug, in the sink full of hot water. This will help the baking soda dissolve.

There's a few video's on youtube you can watch.