Amphipods my zoas and palys help!


New member
So recently my toxic lava zoa died because of some amphipods kept bugging it and it would never open up. I don't think it was eating it like some people have posted on here. I've recently added a tangerine twister play and the same thing is happening. Does anyone have an IDE what I could do to solve this problem.
Amphipods are scavengers so if they are hassling your corals I would think they either A, don't have enough food in the rest of the tank or B, your corals are holding a lot of detritus which would most likely be the cause of deterioration.
Actually we have many types of amphipods...
There are those carnivores, herbivores and the omnivores.
Not all of them will feed on detritus, as far as I know...

In your case, either they were eating your zoas or irritating them.
A great number of amphipods would really irritate some zoas to the point of death because they just can't open!
You can try to purchase a wrasse to keep population in check.
Many people choose a small species like the six line.
They can go in the holes and do a good job for you. :)

Herbivore amphipods are great to keep algae under control, but we just can't rely on them for that too!!!
I would get the wrasse.

I had a leopard wrasse on the way but as I went to pick him up he accidentlt was squished with a rock the day before. Thanks for the help.
My understanding is that those few which are carnivores feed only on small crustaceans or smaller amphipods (which wouldn't be relevant in this case) . I may have to research this further!
My understanding is that those few which are carnivores feed only on small crustaceans or smaller amphipods (which wouldn't be relevant in this case) . I may have to research this further!

Yes, you should search more...
There are many carnivore species od amphipods that will eat the zoas in a very short period of time, depending on the population!!
