anemomae feeding


New member
ok. so in my 55gal fowler. i have a long tenticle on 1 end..and a bta on the other end. they both seem to be happy where they r and didnt move where i put them. i got some bad advise and was feeding them about every 2-3 days.after about 3 weeks the bta stayed balled up all day and night for about 3 days. now he is open but i believe he gave up what he was fed last. i feed them frozen mysis. id just like a lik help about a good feeding schedule. or maybe dif types of food....silversides r a little 2 big i believe because the anems r only about 1.5 to 2inches in size right now. the bta did host my oscelarious ever since it closed up...they dont seem to show interest in the bta n e more. thanx for the help...a friend told me to feed about once a week to 2 weeks.
ok. so in my 55gal fowler. i have a long tenticle on 1 end..and a bta on the other end. they both seem to be happy where they r and didnt move where i put them. i got some bad advise and was feeding them about every 2-3 days.after about 3 weeks the bta stayed balled up all day and night for about 3 days. now he is open but i believe he gave up what he was fed last. i feed them frozen mysis. id just like a lik help about a good feeding schedule. or maybe dif types of food....silversides r a little 2 big i believe because the anems r only about 1.5 to 2inches in size right now. the bta did host my oscelarious ever since it closed up...they dont seem to show interest in the bta n e more. thanx for the help...a friend told me to feed about once a week to 2 weeks.

If you have sufficient lighting then you do not need to feed anemones. I feed my giganteas maybe ince a month.
If you decide to feed them then go with very small pieces. For a BTA I would just squirt a little bit of mysis into occasionally when feeding your fish. BTA's do not have a potent sting and do not take large prey in the wild. You could also feed the LTA the mysis as well. The other option would be to feed it small pieces (around pencil eraser size) of fresh shrimp, scallop, etc . Do not feed nems silversides. The fish could rot in the nem before being completely digested which can cause a fatal bacterial infection in the anemone.
Even if you decide to feed them, I would only do it once a week, maybe twice if done in small amounts.
I have 4 or 5 LTA's and have never fed them. They have split a few times as well. My Clarki's take them food occasionally. I only feed my fish (spoiled as most folks that have seen) so prolly getting enough "left overs" :).
I like to feed my bta's small pieces of fresh shrimp as well. Maybe once or twice a month. I only continue to feed them because the next day they are always open and the tips bubble up nicely. I do the same with my elegance coral and rock anemone with same results.
I have 4 or 5 LTA's and have never fed them. They have split a few times as well. My Clarki's take them food occasionally. I only feed my fish (spoiled as most folks that have seen) so prolly getting enough "left overs" :).

If they have split then they are not LTA's. Of the host anemones only BTA's and magnificas reproduce by splitting.