anemone question


Active member
ive had this LTA for about 3 months now and he's pretty much stayed within the same spot i put him but within the last week hes been roaming around the tank stinging everybody :eek2: i kno they only move when the are unhappy but i guess the question i have would be what differant things would make him unhappy???
sometime they get it into their little heads that the water is greener in the other corner and just move.
This is why anemones can be a PITA to keep. Check to make sure nothing was stinging it where it was. Also look at your phospahtes and nitrates. They should be zero or trace. How's your lighting? T5's or better? Halides? Too much or too little water flow can do it too. Or it could be just as NYVP said...the water may be "greener".
check your phosphates, they need to be very low, also just feed him a ton of food when he goes to a spot you like, he may just have not been being fed enough
I had a bta that moved amost nightly. it got to the point where i saw him rolling around like a tumble-weed. anyway, like scubasteve247 suggested, when he got to a good spot, i fed him some shrimp and refused to feed him in the bad spots. it took about a week and he settled in the perfect place.
Long tentacle anemones are known for being much more mobile than other species.I have tried two over the years & ended up selling them,because they are so unpredictable.It could be that in the wild,this is how they maybe get to colonize distant areas.One of my bubble tip anemones,on the other hand,has been on the same rock(in 3 different tanks)for about 9 years.Hopefully you can persuade the LT to stay put,if not I would consider a bubble tip,if your lighting & other tank parameters are good.HTH,good luck.
thanks for the help ... i guess ill try feeding him in spots i like.... should i bother moving him my self of just him go on his own?