Anemone Question


In Memoriam
Can anyone ID this anemone. I got it awhile ago. It was huge then it bleached out and has just been chilling on the same rock for about 6 months. anything I can do. It is alot smaller now too. I will try to get a current pic of it. anyone can help me? Thanks!



anything I can do for it to bring it back. It has been bleached for about 6 months. Would have thought they die after bleaching. Any thoughts?

Usually I find feeding helps them heal up quickly. I also find when I feed my RBTA that it will bubble more so this may help in your determination of if it is in fact GBTA.
yeah I have tried feeding it and nothing sticks. It is amazing how much is changed and wont eat anything. I dunno. but I do know those pics are of the same anemone. Thoughts?
