anemone shrunk!?


New member
I've had this magnifica for about a year now and when I first got it, it was the size of my it's about the size of a quarter...:(
It's in a 90g with 440 watts of vho lighting for about 12 hours a day. I feed the inhabitants every 2 or 3 days with frozen foods (assorted). The silversides I was feeding it was being taken away by the the flame angel, so hand feeding it was somewhat useless.
I'm concerned, but not worried cause it got smaller, but it's not looking bad or dying and ever since adding the clowns the anemone's looking better, however, they keep taking it's dinner.

I've feed it reef carnivore balls/pellets by mistake cause it landed on'm and it happily devoured it, so maybe that's an idea considering it's a carnivore...:confused:

Have any of you anemone keepers ever have this situation before?...

If so, please help, I'd like to help it grow again....."THANKS"
I have 2 beautiful aenomones, stars of my tank.
Got them both at about 3 or 4 inches a couple years ago, their about the size of a volleyball or even a little bigger now.
I had 2 clarkis one for each and I think that makes all the difference.
Both clarkis constantly groomed them. You could see them proding my aenomones to open up, and they even brought food
to them!
I never have spot fed them. I have a food mixture that includes
mysis, and purple seaweed and both clowns will grab these and push them into the aenomones. It's very cool to see, and I think thats where most of my success comes from.
My clarks became butheads to my other fish, so I traded them
for 2 small maroons who also began feeding them right away.
I also add phytoplex ocasionally.
I feed'm squid and ran the clowns off with my net. The clowns slowly returned and can you believe, bit a peace off, but let'm eat the rest! This morning I fed the fish carnivore balls and the clowns ate a few, then spat a few into the anemone..."I couldn't believe it". Hopefully that will continue happening for the anemone's sake. THANKS FOR THE TIPS...
Brine shimp is nutritional, just lacks the meat and "bulk" that most things need. Such as protiens,carbohydrates and fats. Although it does have slightyly higher fats in it than most foods...