Angler Fish Diet


Premium Member
Has anyone had success feeding Angler's anything but live food? I know someone who "knows someone" that says it will take frozen! I will not get one if the general consensus, is that they will only take live, as I am not going to feed a saltwater fish freshwater fish.
I initially had mine on ghost shrimp, then got him to eat lil pieces of raw shrimp you would buy from the grocery store. I had him for 2 yrs. GL
Thanks for the response. Two years seems to be short lived and I wonder if the diet had anything to do with that? No squid, etc., just ate shrimp?
I tossed him a few other things, he liked the shrimp more then anything and I put vitamins on also. There is a thread out here on Frog fish, very lengthy. Take a look and read that. I will try to link if I can. Some of them lived way shorter spans then mine, and a few have lived longer. GL
I had a large sargassum angler take frozen silversides . He basically went after everything . I also had smaller sargasso s that refused all frozen . Now I know to use Florida guppies for small anglers . Those are usually brackish and will survive in SW a long time . Some guppies are not SW tolerant and do a death spiral right away thus not being a good target for an ambush predator . You can also get sailfin mollies and SW killifish .both of those from the Florida bait companies . You can buy them in bulk and those are usually raised in brackish water too.