Annual joined Reefclub BBQ in Nokomis - Nov 10


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It's that time of the year again and Brian is hosting the annual BBQ at his house. This is a joined reefclub event - TBRC and ACROS have joined in the past - and SWFMAS has been invited to join the "force".

Below is the email Brian sent out:
Hope everyone can make it , I'll be hosting the annual fall combined reef club BBQ 2pm, Saturday Nov 10 at my place in Nokomis.

I'll be smoking up a big bunch of ribs and maybe a few burgers and dogs and I'll have some drinks. Please bring a dish to share, friends and family are welcome.

2nd wk in Nov is the only time of the year that I actually promise to have all the coraline scraped off my front glass (or at least I'll make a good effort to get it all chiseled off by then), come check out my little coral farm, I have about 3000 gallons of salt water (it's probably closer to 4000 by now) , am propping around 100 varieties of coral and my 240 show tank in the house is 100% tank raised corals, no wild corals allowed.

I'll get directions out later, hope to see you all Nov 10th, bring your appetite and a side dish or a desert.


I know I will be attending! See you there.
Brian asked me to provide a rough count of how many people will be attending from our area to make sure he has enough food on the BBQ - If You plan on going up - please post it up. :)

Please PM with for his address - I do not want to post it up here.
Ya, Marco, We need directions because my dad, Mike and I are planning to go but its not 100%. (crossing my fingers)
So far the list has grown to approximately 20 people from SWFMAS - Glad to see so many joining!

This should be one heck of an event - See you all tomorrow.
Was a great event - we had approximately 20 people come up from the SWFMAS area.

Brian has a real nice system going, i picked up a few frags.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11169244#post11169244 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by wizsmaster
Was a great event - we had approximately 20 people come up from the SWFMAS area.

Brian has a real nice system going, i picked up a bunch of frags.

