Grace's Dad
New member
The tank will be in the basement on a wood sub-floor. Where the tank will sit, under the sub-floor are three 2x4's that run parallel to the way the tank will sit. I am pretty sure they are laying flat and not on end (the sub-floor only sits about 1.5" off the concrete). These will pretty much be directly under the tank. I tore up the carpet and the nail heads to the 2x4's measure about 11" apart. Tank is 72x30x30 and where I measured the 2x4's nail heads is 23" so with them laying flat probably at 25" is where the outer boards lay. Do I need to worry about having enough support since the 2x4's sit directly on concrete?
Sorry for a repeated question if this has been answered elsewhere. Everything with flooring and support I could find dealt with tanks on 1st or second floors.
Sorry for a repeated question if this has been answered elsewhere. Everything with flooring and support I could find dealt with tanks on 1st or second floors.