Another stream Recomendation ?


New member

I have a 155g Oceanic. 60Lx24Wx25H 1 1/2 argonite substrate. 220lbs rock. Contains mixture of soft, lps, and sps corals (mainley hard and sps). Would two 6100 on each end on tide mode turned down to a say 60%/30% be too much current? Would I be better off with the 6000s and if so, will they work on a multicontroller? Haven't seen the mulitcontroller sold separately!
Finally, how has the response been to the streams operation in the deco rocks? From the pics, it appears the streams are angled slightly upward in these rocks.

I haven't heard anything negative about the deco rocks other than the price. The 6000's will run on the multicontroller. They should be available seperately. You really could go either way. The 6100's will be a great deal of flow so only advisable if your corals are really grown in and your focus is high flow SPS. The 6000's should work very well.