Answer my question & the Mantis are FREE!


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I have several mantis shrimp in my 120 reef tank. 2 of them I know are about 3 inches long and are a very pretty light green color. I have tried setting traps that you buy from pet warehouse and was unsuccessful. If anyone has any good ideas on how to trap them without tearing up the whole reef tank-THEY ARE YOURS-WITH FREE SHIPPING. So, come on guys help me out!
I don't want your mantis, but here's a good trick. Take a 20oz. plastic soda bottle. Thoroughly wash and rinse it. Cut the top off, about 2.5", invert it back into the bottle and silicon it together. The next day after it has cured drop in a piece of raw shrimp and sink it. Within a couple of days you should have your mantis. Sometimes it takes a few different baits to get them.
There is always the , remove the rock it is in method. This works if it is a rock you can get to. Simply take the rock he is in and dunk it into a bucket of freshwater. In about 30 seconds they come running out. One way to spot where they are living is to feed the tank with live brine shrimp. Sit back and just wait for them to come out to feed. That's how I spotted my first mantis. Hope that helps!
hmm... good luck! most of the time the best way is to find the rock they are in and take it out of the tank. then you can sometimes get them out by prodding then with a pencil or something. sometimes if you pour freshwater into their hole they'll come out. you could try luring them out with a bit of shrimp on the end of a skewer and then try netting them. i'll take them, btw, if you can get them out.... lol
Thanks, for all the tips guys. Hopefully someone will be the proud new owner of several mantis shrimp. I'll keep you updated.
I may have room for one more but I dont know.
When you see the mantis looking out of the rock take the rock out and put it in some high salinity water keep on adding more salt until he vacates the rock.
Thanks, for the tip but the one mantis that I have pinpointed lives under about a 10lb Gulf Rock. He doesnt seem to live in any holes in the rock but more in my substrate. So, when I remove his favorite rock he just convenitely swims to a pile of others. But I will try this tip again because who knows I may get lucky!
Aww man, the only way I knew of trapping them has been told already. Well, If you do trap it, I would gladly take one off your hands. I have a nice empty tank just sitting here with its species name on it :D
do just like Fcamdog said

do just like Fcamdog said

Try to make a trap for the mantis just like Fcamdog said. Put a thawed out silverside in the trap and leave it over night.
I've been told that while the bottle trick works, don't use a soda bottle.

I'm assuming the plastic bottle adsorbs stuff from the cola that could potentially kill the mantis.

If you do end up getting any of those mantis shrimp, I'd love to get my hands on one.

I found this trap somewhere on the site. I don't remember who posted it so I can't give him the credit. You need a plastic baby bottle complete with nipple. Drill a few very small holes in the bottle so air escapes when you put it in the tank. Cut a tiny hole in the nipple and then cut a 1/2" slit lenghtwise in the nipple (from tip toward base). Put some sand in the bottle so it doesn't float and bait it. Good luck and I still want one when you catch it. later
Thanks, for the extra tips. I just got back from Thanksgiving Holidays, so unfortunately trapping the mantis shrimp was put on hold. I think I'll try the baby bottle trap it sounds pretty easy and nothing I really have to construct. I hope I have someone a mantis shrimp for Christmas.