I do not want to buy wild caught. The mortality rate is extremely high due to dishonest catching practices with cyanide. Its sad that LFS don't care either and lie to sell! Are there any species that are captive bred?
There was a period of time when I would not set up marine tanks for this very reason, but that was more than 30 years ago (longer? I have little sense of time) And even then, it was mostly in the Philippines. The Philippine reefs were almost destroyed by this practice.
I was not aware this practice was still going on. Do you have evidence of this?
Over the years, I've placed many, many dwarf angels in my client's aquaria, as well as my own, and they have all proven to be very hardy. I believe dwarf angels are some of the toughest fish you can keep.
Fish collected with cyanide will generally die quite soon. Back when this practice was prevalent, I'd see a half-moon spot on the side of the fish, and it would die in a few days or weeks. I don't know if cyanide was the cause, but I remember seeing quite a few dead fish with that mark.
It certainly was not just dwarf angels which were collected with cyanide. I specifically remember seeing large saddle back clowns for sale at $6, as well as other species which were way too inexpensive. I'm sure they were collected with cyanide.
I've seen photos of Philippine reefs where the sea floor was carpeted with angels, butterflies, wrasses, clowns, you name it. You could not see the bottom for the piles of dead fish. It was quite disturbing.
I really do not believe cyanide is being used today. The fish for sale today are simply too hardy - although I'm sure SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE may be collecting that way.
Of course, it's ALWAYS preferable to get tank raised or tank bred fish. But I do not hesitate to buy a healthy dwarf angel.