Any experience with All Glass Megaflow Sumps?


New member
Just looking for any pros or cons regarding the All Glass Megaflow Sumps... I have a 92 gallon corner tank that the model 3 sump would fit perfectly under. I just can't seem to find any info on the sizes of the individual chambers and I'm thinking I'd want to remove the bio ball "container" and see if I could squeeze my skimmer into that spot...
I'll take any and all comments on the system...

Here are some links:

i have a aga model 4. it does fine on my 120g. i removed my bioballs and replaced it with a blue pad. the skimmer will not fit in this area but i have my css220 in the next chamber and a mag 18 return pump in the last chamber. i like the sump fine.
No experience using them but they sure are expensive for what you get (an old-fashioned wet/dry filter). You can make your own sump for way less money and design it to fit your needs exactly.
I have the Mega Flow Sump Module 3, it works good, IMO i paid too much for it, when i upgrade (in years to come) i will just use a tank for my sump, maybe a 180/220/280 gallon with a 55 gallon or larger sump, when i move into my own home.

If i were you id just buy a 20gallon or so and use that, much cheaper, and you can spend your money for something else where you need it more.