Any fish suggestions


New member
The tank is a 125 gallon reef with 145 lbs of rock, a 1/2 inch of sand and it's been up for 2 years now.

The current stock is

3 occelaris clowns (I know that your not supposed to have more than two but I was inexperienced, however the tank is large enough I think and the clowns don't mess with the third guy.)

Banggai cardinal bonded pair

Melanouras wrasse

Blue lined rabbit fish

Royale gramma

Cleaner shrimp

I want to add some more decent sized free swimming fish. I think my best bet is adding some more wrasses but wanted to know what you guys suggest. Thanks
Oh yea sorry forgot to mention, I’ve had bad experiences with tangs being aggressive to other fish so I wanna stay away from tangs or any other aggressive fish
Ok so the fish I think I’m going to add are,

1 blue Green Chromis
1 court jester goby
1 ruby head wrasse
1 male carpenter flasher wrasse
1 yellow clown goby

Would I be able to add those with my tank without disturbing my tanks bioload or the other inhabitants?
clown goby will eat sps (believe it or not)….they don't bite off pieces they bump their head into it and such on the sps….I had one for 2-3 years never ate food I put in the tank but was fat and happy....the sps were not thrilled however
Whatever you think is pretty, interesting to you and will get along with your other fish. It is your tank, not mine and what I like may not be what you like.

Oh, and what you can afford.
I've always liked the blue/green chromis in a large tank - but I'd suggest adding a few of them. They are a schooling fish and like to dart around in groups. It really gives a tank a pretty cool and different dimension. They are hardy and easy to keep. I'd try to get all about the same size if you go that route.

I've had some hit / miss luck with wrasses going after my inverts. Just be wary.