any ideas how to quiet a tank?

sawlty dog

New member
I have a tank in my bedroom, and even though it is relatively quiet, it is still kinda loud.

Has anyone else come up with ideas to muffle the noises a little? I was thinking egg crate foam stapled to the inside of the doors.
subtle vibrations are probably the most noticeable. I guess it's all relative...the tank overall is the quietest I've owned....just curious as to any other ways/techniques to make it even more quiet.
When I had my f.w. tank in my room and two cannister filters running in the stand. I did double drywall which helped a little, but then I put a towel under the filter and shoved a bunch of foam pillows and memory foam around the filters that really did the trick. The filters never got hot and it was allot quieter.
Silicone hose connection from pump to hard plumbing. Makes a big difference, so much I don't run any sort of pads under my pump anymore. I run an Eheim 1262, which is known to be quiet.