any info on dynoflactulants???


In Memoriam
No clue how to spell it...but its the algae that looks like a nasty brown booger with bubbles. it's all in my fragtank and starting to take over. I just put in carbon and phosphate remover and I started making a batch of new saltwater. for some reason the algae is only in my frag tank even though the frag tank, display, and sump are all connected. Is it safe to move corals from the frag tank to the display tank or will the algae transfer with the corals?

any advice on how to get rid of this nasty stuff would be greatly appreciated. I'm going to run a 24-48 hour black out on the frag tank I think. maybe that'll help kill it.

please help!
brown booger like algae...and has bubbles in it. kinda stringy. that might be it...i've got no idea how to spell it and its deff not an easy word to spell. LOL
I know what you're describing, I have it too. It's mostly confined to my sump and eductors, though. Periodically I remove the eductors and hose them off. Here's more info on Dinoflagellata
might be it...but thats a microscope picture and my looks like nasty long nasty stuff...LOL. According to that it's photosynthetic, so turning the lights off for a while should kill it?

How long can my corals go without lights? 2 days? I've never ever had an algae problem untill this...not even cycling a tank! I guess it finally caught up to me!

I'm running carbon and phosphate remover. I'm making 30 gallons of salt water right now. Do I need to take everything out of that tank and scrub it all down? Its a barebottom tank with egg crate racks with frags on it.
How long has the tank been set up? I have had that happen in each of my frag tanks, right after each one was set up, even thought they are all connected. It went away after a while.

But I recently found some snails that will eat the nastiest of algae! I have a new 4' x 8' tank that had the worst algae covering the walls and the gravel. I put a couple hundred Chestnut snails in it and in 48 hours the tank was SPOTLESS!

I have never seen a snail perform like this before, I have since moved them around into other tanks and they are Algae eating machines!

Brought some home and I am trying them on Cyano right now.
its been up for about 2 weeks. almost full of corals that I fragged up, and now they've all got this gook hanging from them.

any idea where to get some chestnut snails? I've got about 3 hours of freedom tomorrow between classes.

My new saltwater is almost up to salinity. Water change before I go to bed. and i'm going to do a little scrubbing in the tank before I drain the water.