any info on mushrooms is appreciated!


New member
Last summer, I set up my second saltwater tank as small upgrade from my 20g, so I now have a 28 JBJ HQI with 4 LED moon lights and a 150 W MH light. So, I can keep a good amount of corals in there. I bought some live rock from the LFS and picked up some very cheap base rock, and it happens that I found a red mushroom and a green striped mushroom on the LR. :lolspin: Last summer, they were only about the size of a dime or a penny each. now, they are both about 2-3" in diameter. There are 3 green striped ones and 3 red ones now! :eek1:I haven't dosed the tank with anything, but I want to know some info about having these things spread onto my other rocks in the tank. All the parameters are perfect with a temp about 82 F.
Any info on keeping shrooms and having them spread out and divide more?

Thanks! :wave:
those mushrooms dont ussally divide their base moves around on the rock and leaves little pieces behind and those grow into new mushrooms. if you can figure out how to get them to move then you will have a ton of them! (they move more if the rock they are on is tilted to where they have to move up the rock to get more light)
thanks for the info on them, they've been tilted the entire time I've had them so maybe I'll keep them like that